CBIS Training

CBIS National Certification Training

Understanding Brain Injury and Managing Behavioral Challenges Following Brain Injury

The Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS) offers a voluntary national certification program for both entry-level staff and experienced professionals working in brain injury services. ACBIS provides staff and professionals the opportunity to learn important information about brain injury, to demonstrate their learning in a written examination, and to earn a nationally recognized credential. Certification is not restricted to any one profession or discipline. Rather, it is intended for anyone who delivers services specific to brain injury.

Certification Training Covers:

  • Health and medical management
  • TBI and diagnostic imaging
  • Medical, physical, cognitive, neurobehavioral, and psychosocial consequences of injury
  • TBI in pediatrics and adolescents, as well as aging with a brain injury
  • Concussions and mTBI, as well as disorders of consciousness
  • Rehabilitation philosophy, outcome measurement, and care management
  • Effect of injuries on families
  • Cultural, gender, and sexuality issues
  • Military populations
  • Neuropsychology
  • Participation and return to work

The Brain Injury Association of America, through its cooperative agreement with Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (LWW), is pleased to provide, to each new ACBIS certificant who has applied under the fee structure established December 1, 2008, a one-year subscription to the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. This reflects a commitment to ensuring that Certified Brain Injury Specialists have access to the latest brain injury research, treatment and practice information.

The Brain Injury Alliance of Oregon is offering a training program geared toward preparing for the CBIS examination. This training will be delivered in a two day workshop.  Students must attend the entire session. The workshop will include study materials and interactive workshop with Sherry Stock, Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainer. The National Online Examination will be given at the end of the day, from 4:00-6:00 pm.

Cost of participation:

$1500 – includes training, book, exam fee and one year BIAOR professional-level member pay online now.  International training is available – please contact Sherry Stock at brainlogisticsllc@gmail.com

$1000 for Participation CBIS training and Book pay online now.

$750 for Participation CBIS training only pay online now.

Join us for this comprehensive training, and gain your national certification in Brain Injury, with support through BIAOR.

All new paid applicants will receive a one-year subscription to the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. This reflects a commitment to ensuring that Certified Brain Injury Specialists have access to the latest brain injury research, treatment and practice information.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must complete and submit the required eligibility paperwork four weeks prior to the training class in order to secure enrollment to the class. Required paperwork includes the following: ACBIS Application Form, Employment Verification and your current Resume. To proceed with the required paperwork forms see the Application Process below or contact Sherry Stock, 800-544-5243  biaor@biaoregon.org

(Please read carefully – once payment is received there are no refunds)

1. Applicants must have had 500 hours of currently verifiable direct contact experience with an individual or individuals with brain injury.

2. Experience can be paid employment and/or academic internship.

3. The qualifying experience must have included formal supervision or have been conducted while the applicant operated under a professional license. Volunteer work does not qualify.

4. Applicants must have a high school diploma or equivalent.

5. It is up to the individual to determine that they have met the above requirements when they register.  Once payment has been made there are no refunds.


Official ACBIS training is provided by Sherry Stock, a Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainers (CBIST).   The Essential Brain Injury Guide will be mailed to you upon receipt of your payment in full.

Bring a laptop computer that has wireless capabilities with you for the online exam.  If you do not have one please contact Sherry at BIAOR, 800-544-5243.

Certification Examination

Candidates must pass (80% or higher) on the certification examination. The exam can only be taken after all forms and fees have been submitted, processed and an approval email has been received. Applicants who have completed the training or self-study and are ready to take the examination must read the instructions further down this page.

The exam can also be offered to individuals as long as a CBIST or other approved individual proctors the exam. Please note: The certification fee does not include any expenses associated with proctoring an individually administered exam. If hiring an outside proctor is necessary, the applicant will be responsible for these costs.

Notification of Exam Score: Candidates will receive immediate notification via email of their exam score upon completing the online examination. Information about individual candidates and examination results will not be released to any party other than candidates or group administrators. Candidates’ scores are NOT released to anyone, including the candidate, by telephone.

Retakes: Candidates who do not pass the examination on the first administration may take one retest within one year of the initial application date at no additional charge. An applicant who does not pass after two attempts is welcome to reapply when ready.

Application Process

The process described below is intended for those who are pursuing CBIS Certification as a part of a group with BIAOR, please contact your Group Administrator, Sherry Stock, for further instructions. Once payment is received there is no refund. Please read requirements carefully.


The process for submitting an individual CBIS Application can be confusing, please follow these directions: 

STEP ONE: Make payment to BIAOR; either pay online now or send a check made out to BIAOR.

STEP Two: After payment BIAOR will email up a link to complete and submit a USER ACCOUNT SETUP FORM. A confirmation email detailing your next steps will be sent to you. Email a copy to BIAOR.

STEP Three: Upon your receipt of the User Account Setup Approval Email, you will need to complete and electronically submit the CBIS APPLICATION FORM – a link to this application is included with your confirmation email after submitting the User Account Setup Form. The following items are necessary to complete this application:

  • Attach an electronic version of your resume to the application in the allotted area.
  • Payment will be made by BIAOR – we will give you the confirmation number to put into the payment space prior to clicking “Submit” on the application.

Important Note – You have ONE year to take your exam from the date of your application. Those who do not complete the process in a timely manner must reapply and pay new fees.


1.  BIAOR will let you know when the next training and exam is.

2.  Upon passing the examination, applicants will receive their CBIS certificates via email to the email address they provided on the initial application. Those who did not pass will receive their score via email to the email address provided on the initial application.

*Applications will not be approved until payment has been confirmed.